Dear Community,

I remember the relief my body felt after taking my first JFB Myofascial Release (JFB MFR) workshop and receiving several hours of treatment during a weekend-long course. It not only eliminated the chronic pain and tension I had been feeling in my left shoulder but it shifted my body into a resonant state. A place where I could feel my entire body communicating clearly between parts; the deep to the peripheral tissues of my body were breathing; and I could sense my insides being hydrated.

After that weekend, I was both inspired to continue my own self-care in this way but also eager to share it with others. If you have chronic or unexplained pain, you are not alone and there is help.

Below are just a few of the pain points that JFB MFR can help with:

1. Back pain: after identifying key areas of restriction in the body; myofascial release restores motion and flexibility where it is needed so that functional movement becomes more efficient and natural; ultimately relieving back pain symptoms.

2. Bulging disc: decreases tightness and adhesion in the tissues surrounding the spine as well as in uniquely identified areas of primary restriction in order to prevent further herniation and to decrease pain/symptoms.

3. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: decreases restrictions in the tissues of the chest, neck, arms, and any other area of the body with primary restriction/tightness, allowing nerves to glide more easily and eliminating symptoms.

4. Degenerative Disc Disease: treating the identified fascial restrictions unique to each person in order to: restore three-dimensional balance, reduce pressure on the spine, prevent further dehydration of the discs, and to alleviate pain.

For a comprehensive list of the problems, symptoms, and conditions that JFB Myofascial Release can tend to, you can click here.

If you or a loved one is experiencing chronic or unexplained pain…

myofascial release can help. I have experienced the benefits myself and have watched so many clients find relief. If you have any questions, I am always a phone call or email away: (413) 230-0022 /

If you are ready to schedule your new client session…

that’s wonderful! You can fill out my new client intake form here.
I will be in touch within forty-eight hours to get you booked for a ninety-minute comprehensive evaluation and healing session.

Background image credit: Annie Spratt