About The Work



Somatic Occupational Therapy

Somatic Occupational Therapy helps clients to live their life to the fullest, engage in activities that are meaningful to them, and optimize health and wellness. Interventions incorporate assessment and treatments that will best meet each client’s unique needs and goals.

These interventions may include:

  • body mind therapy
  • therapeutic dialogue
  • myofascial release & self-myofascial release instruction
  • craniosacral therapy
  • energy work
  • therapeutic yoga
  • sensory integration strategies & education
  • somatic movement education



The specific modalities utilized depends on what is present in each session and honors the fluid nature of the healing process.

Specific descriptions of some of the modalities and frameworks utilized in a somatic occupational therapy session are detailed below.


TENSEGRITY MEDICINE™ (TM) is an approach and methodology developed by Kelly Clancy, OTR/L, CHT, LMT. The work includes assessing three dimensional balance of the body, biotensegral testing, and targeted manual therapy (myofascial release and other light-touch fascial techniques) to address the unique challenges of each individual and restore optimal health and well-being. It is a person centered approach to therapy using the concept of biotensegrity as its foundational principle.

Differing from a traditional reductionistic therapy approach that treat symptoms and body parts in isolation, TM instead examines and treats the global adaptive patterns from a systems approach, examining patterns as they develop following injury, trauma, repetitive movement patterns, outdated belief systems, or unprocessed emotions.

This unique form of therapy derives its inclusive foundation on the latest research related to connective tissue science, neuroscience, and trauma-informed care. These concepts are utilized in a relational way as a means to understand global patterns within a client’s system.

JOHN F BARNES MYOFASCIAL RELEASE (JFB MFR) approach is a highly effective hands on body therapy that applies gentle sustained pressure to areas of restriction in the connective tissue (fascia). JFB MFR uses multiple kinds of techniques to release and soften these restrictions, rehydrate the fascia, and release the body’s natural anti-inflammatory response. With this approach, pressure is taken off sensitive structures resulting in pain relief, improved body awareness, increased freedom of movement, and the activation of the body’s relaxation response.

CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY (CST) is a gentle hands-on therapy that focuses on the craniosacral system, which is made up of the bones of the skull, spine, and pelvis, the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord, and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that flows through these structures.

The craniosacral system is connected to the rest of the body and therefore when restrictions are present it can affect the entire body. The opposite is also true, any restrictions in the body can affect the craniosacral system.

In this approach, light touch is used to assess and release restrictions affecting the craniosacral system. Gentle pressure is also applied as needed to help the bones of the skull, spine, ribs, and pelvis move more freely. It is a whole-body, whole-person approach that relieves pain and promotes healing.


Sensory integration education and strategies can include:

  • Education about sensory processing disorder
  • Understanding motor skills as it relates to sensory processing
  • Accommodation suggestions for the work-place or classroom
  • Education about sensory processing and neurodiversity in general
  • How to and what strategies to implement in your home and routines


What is a Somatic Occupational Therapy Session Like?

Somatic occupational therapy sessions are offered in-office in San Luis Obispo, CA. Upon request, sessions can also be provided in your home or via zoom if needed.

Evaluations and interventions are always dependent on the clients needs and goals. Regardless of your condition, diagnosis, or pain points your somatic occupational therapy sessions will draw from somatic, mindfulness, self-regulation, and compassion based practices.

Sessions will include client-centered dialogue, and creating a space for inner connection and accessing self-agency. This approach recognizes that the mind, body, nervous system, and sensory system are not separate and what the physical form is experiencing and expressing is directly influenced and informed by ones inner world. 

Within a somatic occupational therapy session we will explore sensory processing needs, beliefs, values, emotions, habits, and perceptions through a non-pathologizing lens. All parts of your being are welcome. The somatic healing process is about inclusion of that which was once excluded through attunement, co-regulation, and self regulation practices.

Every session is individually crafted to support you (or your child’s) unique system, holding space for movement toward healing and wellness without pushing or forcing.

As a trauma informed and somatic-based occupational therapist, my focus is on safety and embodiment. Sessions are centered on curiosity and exploration to assist in identifying patterns within the bio-psycho-spiritual and sensory system. I am here to support and empower clients to heal, grow, and thrive!

I weave together approaches that will enhance client awareness of the messages and wisdom coming from the body, nervous system, sensory system, and soul system. In our sessions we will not bypass any parts that need attention and care.


Get the support you need today so you can move and feel your best tomorrow...

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