Finding Relief from Chronic Low Back Pain with Somatic Occupational Therapy

For this month’s blog I will be sharing one example of a client life cycle. A person who had tried many avenues of healing, seeking relief from chronic lower back pain, with little success.

I hope this example helps you to understand one of the ways that a somatic occupational therapy plan of care can unfold. And a reminder: every person’s process is unique and different, some need more time, some less. Some presenting symptoms are physical pain, others are emotional or sensory. Some people need more space between sessions to integrate, others need less.

Regardless, the aim for all clients is to discover the root causes, and to heal, so that they can feel radiant and well.

Client Example

Presenting complaint: daily, persistent lower back and neck pain for many years with little to no relief.

Client stated goal: “To resolve the back and neck pain so that I can exercise.”

Findings at Evaluation

  • Restriction in the fascia of the left latissimus dorsi. This muscle spans from the inner upper arm down and in to the thoracic and lumbar spine.
  • Restriction in both sartorius muscles. The sartorius is the longest muscle in the body, spanning across both the hip and knee joints.
  • Restriction in the left outer fibers of the gluteus maximus. This muscle spans the pelvis (ilium), sacrum, greater trochanter, and iliotibial band.

Treatment plan timeline: 6.5 months, weekly visits. Reduced to every other week as symptoms improved. Client followed through on daily home practices. These practices focused on the evolving areas of connective tissue restriction.

Home practice recommendations: targeted self-myofascial release based on continued assessment; breathing techniques; somatic movement; and somatic tracking.

Client report at discharge:

“I have no pain in my back. I only have slight stiffness upon waking. This resolves within an hour of getting up and doing the home practices you gave me.”


This client is now empowered to support his unique needs from home with tools that he can use for a lifetime.

Stay tuned for more client success stories!


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