About You



You suffer from
a chronic condition.

You experience constant aches, tension, and stiffness in your body that leave you exhausted by the end of the day. Perhaps you’re fed up with unexpected flare-ups that demand all your attention or you experience generalized weakness, tightness all over your body, or discomfort in a very specific area. Maybe your chronic condition is triggered by repetitive movement, stress, anxiety, or another emotion. Perhaps your symptoms showed up out of nowhere or you have lived with it for years. Either way, you just want relief.

Your chronic condition holds  you back.

You feel held back from engaging in daily routines or activities you love. Maybe you love yoga but your symptoms have gotten so bad that you can no longer take classes. Perhaps your weakness makes it hard to do physically demanding tasks around the house. Maybe your menstrual cramps or low back pain feel so intense that you have a hard time doing even simple things like washing the dishes or doing the laundry. You long to be able to go for a long walk, run, or a hike. Whether you’ve had a stroke, a shoulder injury, a broken bone, or any other injury, you want to be able to do the activities you love without symptoms.

You have a hard time resting.

You constantly feel the buzz of stress and anxiety. Perhaps you turn to food, alcohol, over-exercising, the television, isolation, or critical self-talk because that is the only way you know how to cope. But these strategies still leave you chronically exhausted. Or maybe you struggle to fall and stay asleep at night or have anxiety filled nightmares. During the day, you might feel easily overwhelmed and have a hard time processing the stimulation of everyday life.

You have experienced trauma and are highly sensitive

You have lived through traumatic events. Perhaps you grew up with a neglectful caretaker, were in the hospital several times as a kid, or moved around a lot during school. Whatever the trauma, you sense that the pain in your body has something to do with your early experiences. You notice that certain emotions can set off your pain: When you get angry, that nagging feeling in your low back shows up. When you’re stressed, the neck tension intensifies. When you feel anxious, the knot between your shoulder blades seems to get tighter.

Or perhaps you are highly sensitive and no one has ever supported you with your specific needs as a highly attuned human. Perhaps you have a hard time focusing, sitting still, handling loud noises or certain kinds of touch sensations. You just want to feel understood and for someone to give you real, practical suggestions to help you feel safe and at home in your body.


You are ready to heal, feel safe in your body and live a life of joy.

Imagine being able to do the activities you love without debilitating symptoms: taking a yoga or fitness class, going for a swim, hiking your favorite trail, dancing, playing on the floor with your child or pet.

Imagine getting through your daily routines with ease: making your favorite meal, washing the dishes, doing the laundry, walking your dog, or going to the gym.

You have tried a myriad of modalities.

Perhaps you have tried physical therapy, personal training, massage therapy, talk therapy, chiropractic care, acupuncture, yoga, personal coaches, or pilates.

Perhaps you have modified activities you love or stopped them altogether.

Regardless, you are frustrated because nothing you have tried so far seems to get to the core of your symptoms. You want to feel understood, like you have someone in your corner, advocating for your needs.

If you are ready for support from someone who has been exactly where you are and is living free of chronic symptoms — book your session or free consultation using the button below.

Ready to live well in your body and embrace your most radiant life?

Book Your Session